Boldly-Day 11, #Reverb13

What challenges lie ahead in 2014? How might you meet them boldly?

I read today’s prompt and laughed out loud. You know…that slightly maniacal laugh that comes from pure panic? Yeah, that kind of laugh.

I’m graduating with my undergraduate degree this spring.

Now, that’s a big enough thing at any time in life. I’m 35 and it’s been a process to get here, but here I am. I do have some advantages over a traditionally-aged college student, and I hope they will work to my advantage. But at the same time, I haven’t had a full-time job in almost 4 years, and I have moments where I am concerned. Then I panic.

My therapist talks to me (and I try to listen) about living life from a place of love rather than a place of fear. The fear part has kept me going for quite some times, and the fact that I have an extremely vivid imagination really feeds into it. It was a protective coping mechanism and it is something I really don’t need any more. So, with my graduation looming, and the fingers of panic trying to wiggle their way into my nerves, I’m taking action.

I’ll be:

applying to grad school (and all that entails-including taking the GRE, writing personal statements, etc)
applying for ALL the jobs
continuing to make it count

Here goes!

About maggyruth

Mid-thirties, Mid-Atlantic transplant. Fiber-artist, hidden poet, health educator, student. Still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I swear sometimes. Especially when I'm mad. Deal with it. View all posts by maggyruth

3 responses to “Boldly-Day 11, #Reverb13

  • Christine G.

    Go Maggyruth Go! What an accomplishment! Congrats on your degree and entry into grad school! You’ve got this!

  • Kat McNally

    Woah! That’s big stuff coming up. It would only be natural to inhabit a place of fear in the face of so many unknowns.
    But you are strong and you are smart and you are spunky. And you got this. x

  • Mehnaz

    Congratulations! Such a great journey to embark on! So full of hope. Panic is totally normal, but I like to think if you work diligently at your goals, eventually the right kinds of doors open for you!
    Good luck!

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