I never said I wasn’t an attention seeking freak.

I am.  I admit it.  If there’s a 12 step group out there, I should probably join it.

I made myself a fan page.

Rather, I made my BLOG a fan page.

I did this for a few reasons.

One is that while I am trying to increase my readership, I thought it would be a good idea to have a way to keep in contact with readers without having to give out all my details.  Because, while I don’t deny my attention seeking ways, there will always be little parts of life that are best kept between me and those who actually know me.

Don’t get me wrong, I do have a few random sort on my FaceBook friends list that I really don’t know all that well (they would not be the ones I would call to bail me out of jail, nor would I expect to see them sitting next to me on the bench waiting to be bailed out with me).  However, I have a sneaking suspicion that I’m really on a refined friends list for them, and they probably don’t see my status updates anyway.  Maybe I should prune my list a bit (if only they made it easier, rather than having to go to each persons page. Blah.)

So, if you would be so kind, and feel so inclined (heh…I rhymed), please click on the FaceBook icon thingy over in the side bar (isn’t it cute?  The little beaker looking buttons?  I thought it was appropriate for a chemistry student.)  It would be kind of cool.

P.S. I originally titled this post “I never said I wasn’t an attention whore,” but then realized the title (and the word ‘whore’) was going to show up in my FB and Twitter feeds…probably not the best idea.

About maggyruth

Mid-thirties, Mid-Atlantic transplant. Fiber-artist, hidden poet, health educator, student. Still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I swear sometimes. Especially when I'm mad. Deal with it. View all posts by maggyruth

6 responses to “I never said I wasn’t an attention seeking freak.

  • Rob Diaz

    So, regarding pruning friends in FB… isn’t it as easy as clicking ‘Friends’ on the left-hand side of your wall, then the ‘Edit Friends’ button on the top? Then you can just click the little ‘x’ by those of us you want to kick to the curb… Or have I misunderstood?

  • karenish

    Also, with a fan page, you can “like” other fan pages, and have a whole fan-page life on Facebook, commenting on their posts and whatnot.

    • gritlysweettea

      Yeah, I know (I’ve been playing with it all weekend. And me with a chemistry test coming up!) The only down side to that is that it isn’t included on the fan pages “liked by” counter, which can be minorly detrimental if you are trying to get to 25 people so you can have your own URL (or you just want to see your “liked by” counter go up.) Found that out the hard way with another blogger I’ve been working with.

  • Traci

    I have been avoiding getting a “fan page” but apparently I like complicating my life. The more details the better. Congratulations on your fan page! Attention seeking, ashmension eeking, we all want some, I just think all our terms are different. Hope you had a great Monday.

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